
Kristen Stewart: Lista para el Fin de Semana


Después de poner en un par de horas a su trabajo, Kristen Stewart se vio salir de la oficina de producción de “The Runaways” en North Hollywood, el viernes (19 de junio).

La jornada de trabajo llega en medio de continuos rumores de que la Srta. Stewart y su co-estrella Robert Pattinson  “Twilight”  “No es ningún secreto que su relación ha sido noticia en los últimos meses. Ellos se sienten atraídos el uno al otro, y definitivamente  pasa algo muy especial  entre ellos, “una fuente dijo a la prensa, añadiendo que Robert  ha ofrecido a Kristen volar a Nueva York a fin de que puedan pasar tiempo juntos.

Fuente:Charts de famosos

06-19-09 North Hollywood, CA  'Twilight' star Kristen Stewart leaves 'The Runaways' production office with the same sucker that she has been sucking on for 2 hours, poor sucker....also pics of her costume for her movie its says Joan on it...  Non-Exclusive Pix by Flynet ©2009 818-307-4813  Nicolas 310-869-0177  Scott

06-19-09 North Hollywood, CA  'Twilight' star Kristen Stewart leaves 'The Runaways' production office with the same sucker that she has been sucking on for 2 hours, poor sucker....also pics of her costume for her movie its says Joan on it...  Non-Exclusive Pix by Flynet ©2009 818-307-4813  Nicolas 310-869-0177  Scott  06-19-09 North Hollywood, CA  'Twilight' star Kristen Stewart leaves 'The Runaways' production office with the same sucker that she has been sucking on for 2 hours, poor sucker....also pics of her costume for her movie its says Joan on it...  Non-Exclusive Pix by Flynet ©2009 818-307-4813  Nicolas 310-869-0177  Scott 06-19-09 North Hollywood, CA  'Twilight' star Kristen Stewart leaves 'The Runaways' production office with the same sucker that she has been sucking on for 2 hours, poor sucker....also pics of her costume for her movie its says Joan on it...  Non-Exclusive Pix by Flynet ©2009 818-307-4813  Nicolas 310-869-0177  Scott 


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