
Premiere Breaking Dawn 2 en Londres (Robert Pattinson)


Via: robpattinson l  l RobPattinsonScn

HQ: robpattinson

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On the balcony

Arriving at the premiere/Waving to fans


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1 comment:

Cyndi said...

I love Kristen's jumpsuit. She looks very elegant, and her hair looks beautiful too. What a handsome pair they make, Taylor is also very good looking. Rob - there are just not enough words to describe how incredibly handsome he is. It is magnified by the fact that he is clueless to that fact himself - he doesn't see what the world sees. Hot hot hot!! :) Thanks for the posts RPLife! I'd be lost without you!!

Llegando a la Premiere

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El y su problemilla de siempre con el cierre del pantalon



4344 Visitas4 Comentarios
TAGS: Robert Pattinson, Premiere, Londres, Breaking Dawn 2



l3xi_lina, 15/11/2012 00:05:32Quote

así se ve mucho mejor!!!!!!

spcullen, 15/11/2012 05:19:21Quote

Que suerte de las que pudieron estar ahi juntito con robert se ve tremendamente sexy!!!!!!

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