
Nuevos Stills de "The Runaways" (Re-Actualizado)


Fuente: RunawaysFilm

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Makeup artist Robin Mathews went for a mix of punk and glam-rock to creaete the look for Kristen Stewart (pictured) and Dakota Fanning, who play Joan Jett and Cherie Currie in the new film The Runaways.



2673 Visitas4 Comentarios



Andriukzz, 18/03/2010 18:43:11Quote

jajaj el sentadito de dakota!!! piernas abiertas jaja

cinthiacullen, 18/03/2010 18:49:24Quote

Jajaja si!
el sentadiooo xD


roxxi, 18/03/2010 20:15:27Quote

mmmmmmmmmmm esto es una lokuraa!!!

ani, 18/03/2010 21:03:33Quote

ameeee ♥


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